Another of Fred Craddock’s stories:
Today, Christians around the world (minus the Orthodox churches) celebrate the feast of Christmas.
When, along with Elvis, compassion and patience have left the building:
In western, individualist, technological society, know-how is privileged.
Generational time
When it comes to large-scale cultural and social change, the actor and artist America Ferrera says …
The freedom paradox
Freedom parallels money in that people with either too little or too much of it are frequently unhappy.
The sun also rises
The Buddhists tell this story:
Hope, part 5
The future is not the same as now, only with rocket packs.
Hope, part 1
November 1, 1989: the 28-year-old Berlin wall (and the cold war it symbolized) was going to last forever.
Once upon a time, a man had finished evening prayers and stood contemplating the night sky.