Personal Story Coach helps men improve their mindset

Fika Friday #7

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Fika (Fee-ka) is a Swedish word describing a mid-morning or mid-afternoon break in the day. It’s also a concept, a state of mind, an attitude. For more on fika, read my introduction here. Grab a cuppa and something sweet and delicious. Even better – do it with someone else. Enjoy the story. Let it be the beginning of a conversation – with someone else, or yourself. Head over to my website and leave a comment if you want to. Enjoy.


“The Traveler” – West African Folk tale

Once there was a wise, elderly man who spent his days just outside his village sitting under a shady tree where he would think. One day, a traveler came up to him and said, “Old man, I have traveled far. I have seen many things and met many people. Can you tell me, if I go into this village, what kind of people will I meet there?”

The wise man replied, “Yes, I’d be happy to tell you. But first, tell me what kind of people you’ve met in your travels so far.”

The traveler responded, “Oh, you wouldn’t believe it. I have met the most awful people! People who are selfish and unkind to strangers. People who don’t care for themselves or one another. I’ve met foolish young people I could learn nothing from, and old people whose lack of hope depresses everyone they meet.”

As the traveler spoke, a look of sadness grew in the wise man’s eyes as he nodded in a knowing way. “Yes,” he said. “I believe I know exactly the kind of people you speak of. And I’m sorry to tell you, but if you go into my village, I’m afraid that’s exactly the kind of people you’ll meet.”

“I knew it!” the traveler scoffed. “It’s always the same.” He kicked the dirt under his feet and stormed off down the road, without ever bothering to stop in the village.

A few hours later, another traveler came upon the wise man.

“Kind sir,” he said, “I have traveled far. I have seen many things and met many people. Can you tell me, if I go into this village, what kind of people will I meet there?”

The wise man replied, “Yes, I’d be happy to tell you. But first, tell me what kind of people you’ve met in your travels so far.”

The traveler responded, “Oh, you wouldn’t believe it. I have met the most amazing people! People who are kind and generous to strangers; people who care for one another like family. I’ve met young people with a wisdom beyond their years, and I’ve met older people with a youthful passion for life that brings joy to everyone they meet. And I have learned much from all of them.”

This time, as the traveler spoke, the wise man smiled brightly as he nodded in a knowing way. “Yes,” he said. “I believe I know exactly the kind of people you speak of. And I’m happy to tell you, if you go into my village, I’m certain that’s exactly the kind of people you’ll meet.”

“Come then,” said the traveler, “and introduce me to them.”


To ponder:

Can you recall a time when you found exactly what you expected to find?

Can you recall an experience when different people experienced the same event very differently? What role did expectations play in the different experiences?

What might be different if you were to bring a beginner’s mind to a new experience?



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