Personal Story Coach helps men improve their mindset


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I started this blog, along with my new coaching website, last September on my birthday. Both were the product of several months of hard work and the latest iteration of my desire to make a difference in the arena of personal and corporate growth, transformation, and healing.


The blog has served several important functions. It’s been a way to work out some ideas and identify a few important and recurring themes in my thought and work.


It has also challenged me on a personal level. As an introvert and recovering perfectionist, my tendency is to draw back, withholding my opinion until well into the conversation. In committing to publishing something every day, holding back was not an option. Some posts were well thought through and carefully edited; others were thrown out there at the last minute because I had to post something. Sometimes, what I thought was tight turned out not to be. I had to live with regular, public errors. Painful … but instructive. I remember my mentor saying that it doesn’t matter if anyone reads it or not. What matters is showing up.


For you, it may not be a blog. There may be some other way to stretch and challenge that makes more sense in your context. Whatever you choose is less important than doing the regular, difficult work of showing up.


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