One layer at a time
There is a Chinese proverb that says one cannot make rice plants grow faster by pulling on their tops.
Being and becoming
Each of us is a mixture of being and becoming.
We spend a lot of our lives being miserable about things that are either over or haven’t happened.
In the world of stories, there are beginnings, middles and endings.
The sun also rises
The Buddhists tell this story:
Hope, part 5
The future is not the same as now, only with rocket packs.
Hope, part 1
November 1, 1989: the 28-year-old Berlin wall (and the cold war it symbolized) was going to last forever.
Letting go
As long as we try to hang on to what is or what has been …
Reason and reality
Some statements that once upon a time were verifiably “true:”
Getting there from here
When we think about how to travel from where we are to where we want to go