For many, the words leave a negative taste in the mouth:
The fierce urgency of now
At the March on Washington in 1963,
Break a leg
The beauty and danger of the internet are that everything is there.
The stories we tell, part 2
The stories we tell have the power …
The stories we tell, part 1
The author, Anaïs Nin, wrote that …
A welcome place
Even though solitude is an inherently value-neutral word, many in western cultures would think of it negatively.
Solitude and loneliness
According to the Buddhist teacher Stephen Batchelor, author of Alone with Others and The Art of Solitude, …
Possession and care
In her groundbreaking (no pun intended) book,
Democratizing dissent
The shape of the 20th century was the pyramid.
The onus
The Czech dissident and first post-communist president Vaclav Havel said …