Personal Story Coach helps men improve their mindset


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In the world of stories, there are beginnings, middles and endings. In real life it’s never that simple. Endings are beginnings, middles are endings, and so forth. Transitions are frequent and seemingly random – one phone call (or one new virus) at any time can upend our plans and change everything. 


Transitions are the most challenging and stressful moments in a life because they are thresholds between the known and unknown. To stand on the cusp of the unknown and stare open-eyed into its murky deep demands courage and vitality.


The Greek word “apocalypse” does not refer to an end or a catastrophe. The word means “unveiling” or uncovering” and has the sense of something that was always there, but invisible, being revealed. Confronted with our own courage and resilience, flaws and frailties, apocalypse begs the question: 


Now that we see and know what before was only seen by the prophets and sages, how shall we choose to live?

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