Personal Story Coach helps men improve their mindset

Personal Story Coach

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I’ve been working on a new project for a few months now. It’s not ready to launch yet, but the time has come to reveal it to you faithful few who have hung in with me.

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Personal Story Coach will help people learn to think about their lives in fresh ways so that they can transform their feeling of being stuck and release freedom, creativity, and renewed purpose for the second half of life.


Building on one of the central themes of the blog, the programme will use story as an organizing principle and will weave together literature, philosophy, brain science, psychology, theology, organizational development, spiritual direction, and other disciplines to inspire personal growth, change, and transformation.


It’s a big project and a big idea. I’m super excited about the possibilities – and a bit daunted too. The world doesn’t need any more ego, but it might benefit from more purposeful audacity. A year ago, that looked to me like a daily blog. Now it looks like this.


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